Funny computer video-The Expert: IT Support (Short Comedy Sketch)
Funny Computer Video The Expert: IT Support (Short Comedy Sketch)
Funny computer video:Square Project Ep2.
A funny video about a phone call to IT Support. Another day in the life of Anderson, an engineer trying to fit into the corporate world and his cubicle. Subscribe for more short comedy sketches & films: Check out the other episodes of The Expert: Square Project!
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Funny computer video
Need another funny computer video? here you go!
A relatively popular YouTuber posted this little gem a few days ago, and I think many of us will be able to relate, seeing that many IT pros in Spiceworks have to deal with support tickets.
It turns out that even with hundreds of thousands of followers, being a YouTuber doesn’t pull in enough money to pay the bills, so this guy’s real job is working the IT help desk at a large company.
In this video, he recounts a few horror stories from his six-year stint doing help desk work:
Be sure to come back for more funny computer video
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