- Avoid these two popular computer scams 2024.
- Microsoft Office Scam Alert
- In a statement, Microsoft added: “We take appropriate action to remove any suspected unlicensed or counterfeit products from the market and to hold those targeting our customers accountable.
- Websites that pop up a warning asking you to call a number are always fake.
Avoid these two popular computer scams 2024.
With so many people working from home these days the demand for online computer help has skyrocketed. Along with this, the number of scams has also grown significantly. The frequency of these scams actually prompted Google to ban all third party tech support ads. Here are a few tips to help you avoid being scammed when seeking online computer help.
Computer scams 2024
With so many people working from home these days the demand for online computer help has skyrocketed.
Along with this, the number of scams has also grown significantly. The frequency of these scams prompted Google to ban all third-party tech support ads.
Here are a few tips to help you avoid being scammed when seeking online computer help.
Always be sure to check reviews. Google reviews cannot be faked. Follow this computer scam warning and stay safe.
Computer scams 2024
Microsoft Office Scam Alert
Beware ‘Microsoft Office’ USB Sticks That Show Up in the Mail: It’s a Scam
If you receive a Microsoft Office product randomly in the mail, be careful:
It could be a Microsoft Office scam.
The scheme is elaborate, and it could end up tricking unsuspecting consumers hoping to get free access to Microsoft Office Professional, which can normally retail for $439
Computer scams 2024
The scam works by triggering a virus alert once the USB stick is plugged into the victim’s PC. To fix the issue, the alert tells the user to call a customer support number. “As soon as they called the number on screen, the helpdesk installed some sort of TeamViewer (remote access program) and took control of the victim’s computer,”
In addition, the customer support technician also asks for payment information.
Computer scams 2024
It’s not the first-time scammers have circulated malicious USB drives through the mail. In 2020, security firm Trustwave also uncovered a malware-laden USB stick sent through the mail that pretended to come from Best Buy as $50 gift card promotion.
In a statement, Microsoft added: “We take appropriate action to remove any suspected unlicensed or counterfeit products from the market and to hold those targeting our customers accountable.
We’d like to reassure all users of our software and products that Microsoft will never send you unsolicited packages and will never contact you out of the blue for any reason.
You can visit this link (Opens in a new window) support page for guidance on how to avoid fraud, Microsoft Office scam, and other scams.”
Websites that pop up a warning asking you to call a number are always fake.
ALWAYS. No matter how realistic they appear
Computer scams 2024
If you receive a phone call telling you that you have a computer problem, it’s fake.
100% of the time
Most of these scams apparently are geared at Seniors. Personally, I have always suspected they somehow have access to AARP.
I can’t see any other way these scammers find their Senior victims. This computer scam warning is especially important for Seniors to understand.
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Computer scams 2024