By [Phunny Guy], Staff Writer

[Camp Wildwood]—In a bizarre turn of events, a group of innocent Cub Scouts found themselves in handcuffs during their annual campout. The reason? They committed the heinous crime of sleeping outdoors.

The incident occurred last weekend at Camp Wildwood, a picturesque forested area where generations of scouts have learned valuable life skills, such as tying knots, building fires, and apparently, evading the long arm of the law.

Local authorities swooped in on the unsuspecting scouts just after sunset. The scene was reminiscent of a Hollywood blockbuster: police cars with flashing lights, stern-faced officers, and bewildered children in khaki uniforms. The campfire crackled in the background, blissfully unaware of the impending legal drama.

Dont sleep outside

Sleeping outdoors is illegal in the U.S.

Officer Johnson, the lead enforcer of the newly minted “Anti-Sleeping Ordinance,” addressed the media with a straight face. “We take public safety seriously,” he declared. “These scouts were caught red-handed, or rather, red-sleeping-bagged, in violation of our city’s strict no-sleeping-outdoors policy.”

The scouts, ranging from 7-year-old Timmy (who was busy roasting marshmallows) to 12-year-old Emma (who had just earned her “Firestarter” badge), were bewildered. Their scoutmaster, Mr. Jenkins, tried to reason with the officers. “But camping is what we do!” he pleaded. “It’s in the Scout Handbook—right next to ‘How to Identify Poison Ivy.’”

Officer Johnson remained unmoved. “Handbooks don’t trump city ordinances,” he retorted. “We’ve got a duty to enforce the law. Besides, these kids were clearly enjoying themselves. That’s suspicious behavior.”

The scouts were led away in a single-file line, their backpacks sagging with merit badges and confiscated s’mores supplies. As they shuffled past the “No Camping” sign, little Billy whispered, “I guess we should’ve brought our lawyer badge.”

The parents, who had arrived to pick up their children, were equally flabbergasted. Mrs. Rodriguez, mother of 10-year-old Alex, shook her head. “I thought scouting was about building character,” she said. “Now my son’s rap sheet includes ‘Unauthorized Star Gazing’ and ‘Illegal Tent Pitching.’”

The legal community weighed in. Attorney Lisa Parker, known for her pro-bonfire stance, called the arrests “absurd.” “What’s next?” she asked. “Arresting squirrels for unauthorized nut storage?”

Meanwhile, the scouts sat in the police station, their tiny fingers inked for fingerprinting. Emma, the troop’s resident philosopher, mused, “Maybe we should’ve joined the Urban Indoor Survival Club instead.”

As news of the arrests spread, social media erupted. The hashtag #FreeTheScouts trended worldwide. Celebrities like Bear Grylls and Les Stroud tweeted their support, urging the authorities to “let kids be kids.”

In a surprising twist, the Supreme Court declined to hear an emergency appeal, citing a backlog of cases involving misplaced apostrophes and jaywalking chickens. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg reportedly muttered, “I’d rather be camping.”

And so, the Cub Scouts of Troop 42 became unlikely symbols of civil disobedience. Their mugshots adorned protest signs, and their campfire songs echoed through the halls of justice. As one scout put it, “If sleeping outdoors is a crime, lock us up—we’ll just earn our ‘Jailbreak’ badge.”

The city council, faced with mounting pressure, promised to review the ordinance. Until then, the scouts remain in detention, practicing their square knots and dreaming of a world where sleeping under the stars isn’t a felony.

Disclaimer: This article is purely fictional and meant for entertainment purposes. No Cub Scouts were harmed in the making of this story.

Feel free to share your thoughts on this absurd situation, and remember: keep your sleeping bags zipped and your marshmallows toasted. 🏕️🔍🔦