Computer help for the homeless
Homeless people need access to computers for a variety of reasons:
- To search for jobs. Many jobs now require online applications, and homeless people may not have access to a computer at home.
- To access government services. Many government services, such as food stamps and Medicaid, can be accessed online.
- To communicate with family and friends. Many homeless people are cut off from their families and friends, and a computer can help them stay in touch.
- To learn new skills. There are many online resources that can help homeless people learn new skills, such as how to use a computer or how to get a job.
- To stay informed. Homeless people may not have access to a TV or newspaper, and a computer can help them stay informed about current events.
In addition, computers can provide homeless people with a sense of connection and belonging.
They can use computers to connect with other homeless people, to learn about their rights, and to advocate for themselves.
There are many ways to help homeless people get access to computers.
You can donate a computer to a homeless shelter or soup kitchen, or you can volunteer your time to help homeless people use computers. You can also donate to organizations that provide technology services to homeless people.
There are a number of organizations that provide computers and other technology to the homeless. Some of these organizations include:
PCs for People: This organization provides computers and internet access to low-income individuals and families.
Computers For Kids: This foundation provides free laptops to homeless students.
Shelter Tech: Through partnerships with the City of San Francisco and Cisco, residents can use free wifi and hardware at shelters and transitional housing facilities.
These organizations provide a valuable service to the homeless, as computers can help them to communicate with friends and family, access job resources, and learn new skills.
If you are interested in donating a computer or other technology to a homeless organization, you can contact one of the organizations listed above. You can also donate to a general homeless charity, such as the National Alliance to End Homelessness.
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Donate Blankets To Homeless People and Families Near You
Watch Homeless In Los Angeles on Amazon
Homeless And The Addiction Connection.
About twice as many homeless people are dependent on drugs or alcohol as the general population according to reports, and their dependence often leads them to criminal behavior and prevents them from taking steps to get off the streets.
Homeless and Addicted: What You Should Know
The number of homeless people in the United States exceeds three-quarters of a million people, and about one-quarter of those are children. Homeless people may be temporarily or intermittently homeless, with the chronically homeless being rarer.
Substance abuse among the homeless population is perhaps the most important public health problem in this vulnerable population. Estimates vary, but studies reveal that from 40 to 50 percent of homeless people are dependent upon alcohol or other drugs. There is little debate that substance abuse and full-blown drug addiction are significantly higher among the homeless than in the general population.
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