Click Away to Genius: This Solo Technician Worked His Way to the #1 Spot

Click Away to Genius

Click Away to Genius

Meet That Tech Jeff. Jeff is a U.S.-based PC and Mac computer technician with more than 25 years of experience. What’s very unusual about Jeff is that he has not only been able to compete with the corporate-owned online computer help businesses, he has more five-star reviews than any other online computer help service as of the date of this post.

Click Away to Genius

Click Away to Genius

Click Away to Genius

The Reviews

As of the date of this post, Jeff has 1181 five-star reviews and 1 four-star reviews. This is extremely remarkable when you consider that it is human nature to write a review to complain, not praise.

Ever noticed how your fingers seem to fly across the keyboard when a restaurant serves you cold soup or a hotel forgets your extra towels? Suddenly, you’re a Pulitzer Prize-winning critic, detailing the epic saga of your disappointment in a scathing online review. But when everything goes smoothly? Crickets. Not a peep from your satisfied self.

It’s true, folks. We humans are Review Rambos, more apt to wield the weapon of words when things go south than sing the praises of a pleasant experience. Why is that? Let’s dive into the grumpy gremlin in our brains:

1. The Negativity Bias: Our brains are wired to pay more attention to negative experiences than positive ones. It’s an evolutionary hangover from when spotting the saber-toothed tiger was more important than appreciating a juicy berry. This bias spills over into reviews, making the bad stuff seem louder and more urgent to share.

2. The “Expected” vs. the “Exceptional”: When things go as planned, well, that’s just what we expect. It doesn’t trigger the same emotional spark as a disappointing surprise. So, unless the waiter backflips while serving your steak, a good experience might not feel review-worthy.

3. The Effort Factor: It simply takes more effort to craft a detailed review, positive or negative. When we’re happy, we’re basking in the afterglow, not itching to type. Dissatisfaction, however, fuels a burning desire to warn others and vent our frustration, making us temporarily overcome our laziness.

But let’s not forget the Silent Saint within us. We do appreciate good experiences, even if we don’t always voice them online. A friendly smile from a barista, a flawlessly delivered pizza, a hotel room that feels like a cozy haven—these things add to the richness of our lives, even if they don’t spark a review revolution.

Click Away to Genius


Jeff started his career in computers at a hospital in California, where he worked for 17 years. Jeff took care of the computer problems for over 200 users by himself. At the urging of his wife, Jeff left the hospital and started his own computer repair business. Jeff helped both home users and small businesses; however, he was local only.

Jeff says, “I noticed the prices of Windows-based computers falling. I felt this was a great time to switch to online-only computer help. We were (and now are in) a disposable world.” Replacing hardware on a computer is rapidly becoming more expensive than replacing the computer itself.

“My goal has never been about making as much money as possible. It’s more about being able to retain my morals, help people with their computer problems, and try to make the same as I would working for someone else—without having to work for someone else. Most computer repair shops just will not spend the time I will to repair a computer correctly, versus quickly. The big shop’s goal is to get the customer out the door as quickly as possible and move on to the next customer. Their goal is to make money. Period.”

What is the problem for a one-person online computer business? Getting the word out. Especially when it comes to getting computer help online, people tend (and rightfully so) to be afraid. “Advertising-wise, there is absolutely no way I could compete with the “big boys. I knew I had to offer something they just couldn’t. I decided my best move was to have my online computer help business offer something extremely rare: complete honesty and very fair pricing.

That Tech Jeff

That Tech Jeff

For any business, having more than 1100 five-star reviews with zero negative reviews is quite a feat. For just one computer tech on his own, it’s almost impossible. “I have clients all over the U.S. now that have been with me for years, yet we have never met. Honestly and kindness has truly paid off, and my success I attribute to satisfied clients spreading the word by mouth”.

If you truly want long term customers, morals and honesty really go a very long way.