is the internet

Many of us have had the use of the Internet for decades now. The question today is is the Internet…….?

  1. Is the Internet Compassionate?compassion

The answer to this is both yes and no. The Internet has certainly changed things quite a bit, some things for the best, others for the worse. With people able to say anything they want with no repercussions, we seem to see more posts, articles, videos, and photos making fun of people in terrible situations, or who have made a bad decision. These are often looked at as humor, when in reality, the subject may be going through something truly terrible. On the other hand, there are many groups and people on the Internet who are compassionate, and provide more positive information and imagery.

2. Is the Internet Honest?


We all know about fake news. We see it every day. Because the content of the Internet is created by people all over the world, there is quite a bit of dishonesty. Misleading information, marketing scams, it’s all there. However there are many, many legitimate sites that have established themselves as providing honest and truthful information. An example is Wikipedia.

3. Is the Internet Safe?

be safe

There are many dangers on the Internet such as scammers, hackers, and phishing. We also have fake software that tricks us into downloading it. You really have to stay aware of what you click on. If it looks suspicious you are best to pass it by. Fortunately there is a variety of software available to protect children from accessing content they should not. For adults, it’s common sense and paying close attention to what you click on.

4. Is the Internet Full of fake news?

Fake news sites deliberately publish hoaxes and disinformation to drive web traffic inflamed by social media. These sites are distinguished from news satire (which is usually intended to be humorous) as they mislead and sometimes profit from readers’ gullibility. While most fake news sites are portrayed to be spinoff’s of other news sites, some of these websites are examples of website spoofing, structured to make visitors believe they are visiting major news outlets like ABC News or MSNBC. The New York Times pointed out that within a strict definition, “fake news” on the Internet referred to a fictitious article which was fabricated with the deliberate motivation to defraud readers, generally with the goal of profiting through clickbait. PolitiFact described fake news as fabricated content designed to fool readers and subsequently made viral through the Internet to crowds that increase its dissemination.

The New York Times noted in a December 2016 article that fake news had previously maintained a presence on the Internet and within tabloid journalism in the years prior to the 2016 U.S. election. Except for the 2016 Philippine elections, prior to the election between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, fake news had not impacted the election process and subsequent events to such a high degree. Subsequent to the 2016 election, the issue of fake news turned into a political weapon, with supporters of left-wing politics saying those on the opposite side of the spectrum spread falsehoods, and supporters of right-wing politics arguing such accusations were merely a way to censor conservative views. Due to these back-and-forth complaints, the definition of fake news as used for such polemics became more vague.

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