Is online computer help safer than a shop?

Is online computer help safer than a shop?

Online computer help is safer than a shop. That may not sound like what you are used to hearing, but here in 2025 getting computer help online is actually safer than going to a shop. As long as you follow a few safety rules. Of course if your problem is hardware related such as a cracked screen you have no choice but to go to a shop.

For just about any other problem, online remote computer support is safer and easier than going to a shop. Why?

  1. Safety. With online remote computer support you do not have a stranger enter your home, or risk making contact wish someone who may be carrying a virus. And I don’t mean a computer virus. With Covid and everything else, why not play it safe when you can.
  2. Privacy. In a shop you leave your computer there and have no idea what may be accessed or looked at. With computer help online you are always able to see what I am doing, and retain complete control. In addition, you can easily disconnect the session at any time.

Is online computer help safer than a shop?

Of course you need to be cautious where you get online computer help from.

You can watch my “The Complete 2023 Guide to Getting Computer Help Online Safely” but the most important thing is to read the reviews. As long as you do your research first, you’ll see how getting computer help online is not only much safer than leaving your computer at a shop, but also much more affordable.

Is online computer help safer than a shop?

No technician should ever have access to your computer without your permission.

Unfortunately I see many competitors using software such as Teamviewer and AnyDesk. Both of these programs are left on your computer once the technician ends the session. In many cases, this gives them the opportunity to reconnect to your pc at will.

I use a software called GoToAssist. For you the customer, its probably the safest remote control software to be used. There are three big reasons why.

  1. You can always see everything I am doing. It’s just as if I were sitting in front of your computer – but I’m not. In a shop, you have no idea what might be accessed.
  2. You always have the ability to end the session at any time. While I have never had a customer feel the need to do this, the option is there.
  3. GoToAssist leaves nothing behind. If you called me even just 2 minutes after the session is ended, we’d have to go through the connection process again.

To see how the software I use to help you works watch the video below

Do computer repair shops steal data?

Most computer shops are honest. But unfortunately not all. There are many tech support scams out there to beware of. The trick is to avoid the big guys, and stick with the smaller, independent techs like me. Our reputation is our livelihood, and it just takes a few bad reviews to ruin your credibility. Big Box stores could really care less if you leave dissatisfied or unhappy. They have plenty of folks in line behind you. You should never see an online tech opening your files (unless you have asked them to) or reading through your emails. An honest online repair will always have a way, show show you how, to disconnect the tech at any time you wish.

For independent techs like me, especially being online remote computer support, my client reviews and word of mouth are the only ways I can gain the trust of potential customers like you.

As mentioned before, another important consideration is that with online remote computer support, you are able to see everything I do – unlike when you leave your computer at a shop.

Can someone fix my computer online?

90% of computer and printer problems can be fixed online. However as mentioned several times earlier, do your research on them first and check the place out to make sure they are legit before you let them access your computer.


What is the best online tech support?

This is a tough question to answer honestly. The reason being is that I do not know of anyone who has the number of five-star reviews I do – including Geek Squad. I am also one of very few who charge by the job and not the hour. And I am also one of the very, very few who offer a no fix no charge guarantee, I cant say what is the best online tech support, however if I must vote I vote for myself for the best online remote computer support.

Jeff Bosset is a computer technician with more than 25 years experience. Tech Jeff provides online computer help to home users and small business.

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